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[1.0.0] - 2018-06-20

It finally happened. We are happy to inform you that OpenStack plugins has a
single home - .
All in-tree plugins are removed now and framework part become more lightweight.

What does it mean for you?!
If you are interested only in OpenStack plugins, just change the package you
are installing from ``rally`` to ``rally-openstack``. If you have custom
OpenStack plugins which inherits from upstream, change python imports from
``rally.plugins.openstack`` to ``rally_openstack``. That is all.

If you are interested not only in OpenStack, you can start using your favourite
tool for various platforms and systems. Here you can find our first attempts
to seize the world - and


Since OpenStack plugins were moved to the separate repository, the new release
notes should become light as well, so there is no need in separate pages for
each release. All release notes will be aggregated in
`a single file CHANGELOG.rst

Also, it is sad to mention, but due to OpenStack policies we need to stop
duplicating release notes at ``git tag message``. At least for now.


* All OpenStack related plugins.


* Validation of existing platforms in Python 3 environment.
* Support of testr for verifiers.