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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.9.0
    Rally v0.9.0
    | Release date     |      **3/20/2017**    |
    Command Line Interface
    * `rally plugin list` now does not contain hidden plugins.
    Task component
    * Added check for duplicated keys in task files.
    * The order of subtasks (scenarios/workloads) is not ignored any more. You can
      generate whatever you want load or use that feature for up the cloud (put
      small scenario to the start of task to wake up the cloud before the real
    * Information about workload creation is added to HTML-reports.
    * Task statuses is changed to be more clear and cover more cases:
     - ``verifying`` is renamed to ``validating``.
     - ``failed`` is divided for 2 statuses - ``validation_failed``, which means
       that task did not pass validation step, and ``crashed``, which means that
       something went wrong in rally engine.
    * Our awesome cleanup become more awesome! The filter mechanism is improved to
      discover resources in projects created only by Rally (it works for most of
      resources, except several network-related ). It makes possible to run Rally
      with existing users in real tenants without fear to remove something
    Verification component
    * Fixed an issue with missed tests while listing all supported tests of
      specified verifier.
    * Fixed an issue with displaying the wrong version of verifier in case of
      cloning from the local directory.
    * Extend `rally verify rerun
      with ``--detailed``, ``--no-use``, ``--tag`` and ``--concurrency`` arguments.
    * Add output examples for `JSON
      <>`_ and
    * Extend cinder quotas to support ``backups`` and ``backup_gigabytes``.
    **Deployment Engines**:
    *Updated* Extend `DevstackEngine
    with ``enable_plugin`` option.
    **OpenStack clients**:
    * Extend support for auth urls like ````
    * Pass endpoint type to heatclient
    * *NEW!!*
     - `CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_delete_encryption_type
     - `CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_set_volume_type_keys
     - `KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_roles
     - `KeystoneBasic.create_and_update_user
     - `NovaKeypair.create_and_get_keypair
     - `NovaServers.resize_shutoff_server
     - `VMTasks.dd_load_test
    * *UPDATED!!*
     - Extend `VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete
       to display just raw text output of executed command.
    * *DELETED*
      Scenario `VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete_custom_image
      is removed since `VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete
      covers the case of that particular scenario without adding any complexity.
    * Extend ``required_contexts`` validator to support ``at least one of the``
    * Fix a bunch of JSON schemas which are used for validation of all plugins.
    We totally reworked `Plugins Reference
    <>`_ page.
    Now it looks more like `Command Line Interface
    <>`_, which means that
    you can get links for particular parameter of particular plugin.
    Also, you can find expected parameters and their types of all contexts, hooks,
    SLAs and so on! Most of them still miss descriptions, but we are working on
    adding them.
    Fixed bugs
    * [osclients] Custom auth mechanism was used for zaqarclient instead of unified
      keystonesession, which led to auth errors at some envs.
    * [plugins] During running
      scenario we had a race problem with backup deleting due to wrong check of
      backup status.
    * [plugins][verifications] Jenkins expexts "classname" JUnitXML attribute
      instead of "class_name".
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.8.1
    2ff6423b · Release 0.8.1 ·
    Rally v0.8.1
    | Release date     |      **1/27/2017**    |
    Fix for python requirements list.
    * *Updated*:
     - Use new network for each subnet at
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_encryption_type
     - `Quotas.cinder_get
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.8.0
    Rally v0.8.0
    | Release date     |      **1/25/2017**    |
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * `[Implemented] Refactor Verification Component
    * `[Implemented] Scaling & Refactoring Rally DB
    We switched to use bindep library for checking required system packages.
    All our dependencies moved to separate file (like requirements.txt for python
    packages) `bindep.txt
    .. warning:: Database schema is changed, you must run
         `rally-manage db upgrade <>`_
         to be able to use old Rally installation with latest release.
    * change structure of database to be more flexible
    * save raw task results in chunks (see raw_result_chunk_size option of
      [DEFAULT] rally configuration section)
    * add db revision check in rally API, so it is impossible to use rally with
      wrong db now.
    Rally API
    Single entry point for Rally API is added - rally.api.API . Old API classes
    (``rally.api.Task``, ``rally.api.Verification``, ``rally.api.Deployment``) are
    deprecated now.
    Rally CLI
    * ``rally task sla_check`` is deprecated now in favor of
      ``rally task sla-check``
    * Deprecated category ``rally show`` was removed.
    * `rally plugin list` is extended with plugin base column
    Task Component
    - [Random names] scenario for checking performance of generate_random_name
      method is added to our CI with proper SLA. Be sure, whatever number of random
      names you need, it will not affect performance of Rally at all, we checked.
    - [atomic actions] scenario for checking performance of calculating atomic
      actions is added to our CI with proper SLA. Be sure, whatever number atomics
      you have in scenarios, it will not affect performance of Rally at all, we
    - [services] new entity is introduced for helping to provide compatibility
      layer between different API versions of one service.
    Verification component
    We completely redesign the whole Verification component. For more details see
    `our new docs for that component
    Unfortunately, such big change could not be done in backward compatible way,
    so old code is not compatible with new one. See `HowTo migrate from
    Verification component 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
    * Glance:
      Switched from V1 to V2 API by default.
    * Keystone:
     - Transmit endpoint_type to keystoneclient
     - Full keystone V3 support
    * *Updated*:
     - The meaning of the volume_type argument is changes in
       scenario. It should contain actual volume type instead of boolean value to
       choose random volume type.
     - Extend `GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances
       with create_image_kwargs and boot_server_kwargs arguments.
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `CeilometerAlarms.create_and_get_alarm
     - `CinderVolumeBackups.create_incremental_volume_backup
     - `CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_delete_volume_type
     - `CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_and_encryption_type
     - `CinderVolumes.create_and_accept_transfer
     - `CinderVolumes.create_and_get_volume
     - `CinderVolumes.create_volume_and_update_readonly_flag
     - `CinderVolumes.list_transfers
     - `CinderVolumes.list_types
     - `KeystoneBasic.create_and_get_role
     - `ManilaShares.create_and_list_share
     - `ManilaShares.set_and_delete_metadata
     - `MistralExecutions.create_execution_from_workbook
     - `MistralExecutions.list_executions
     - `NeutronLoadbalancerV2.create_and_list_loadbalancers
     - `NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_network
     - `NeutronNetworks.list_agents
     - `NovaAggregates.create_aggregate_add_host_and_boot_server
     - `NovaAggregates.create_and_get_aggregate_details
     - `NovaFlavors.create_and_delete_flavor
     - `NovaFlavors.create_flavor_and_add_tenant_access
     - `NovaHosts.list_and_get_hosts
     - `NovaHypervisors.list_and_get_uptime_hypervisors
     - `NovaHypervisors.list_and_search_hypervisors
     - `NovaHypervisors.statistics_hypervisors
     - `NovaSecGroup.boot_server_and_add_secgroups
     - `NovaServerGroups.create_and_list_server_groups
     - `Quotas.nova_get
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `fault_injection
    * *Updated*:
     - `RPS runner
       is extended with ability to increase 'rps' value by arithmetic progression
       across certain duration. Now it can be also a dict specifying progression
       .. code-block:: json
            rps": {
                "start": 1,
                "end": 10,
                "step": 1,
                "duration": 2
       This will generate rps value: ``start, start + step, start + 2 * step, ..,
       end`` across certain 'duration' seconds each step. If iteration count not
       ended at the last step of progression, then rps will continue to generate
       with "end" value. Note that the last rps could be generated smaller.
    Fixed bugs
    * [hooks] incorrect encoding of stdout/stderr streams opened by sys_call hook
      for py3
    * [hooks] sorting Hook column at HTML report doesn't work
    * [tasks][scenarios][neutron] L3 HA: Unable to complete operation on subnet
      `Launchpad bug-report #1562878 <>`_
    * [tasks] JSON report doesn't save order of atomics
    * [tasks][cleanup][nova] Failed to remove aggregate which has hosts in it
    * [tasks] `--abort-on-sla-failure
      mechanism works only for current workload, but does not stop the next ones.
    * [hooks] hooks section isn't displayed in HTML report
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.7.0
    Rally v0.7.0
    | Release date     |     **10/11/2016**    |
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * [Used] Ported all rally scenarios to class base
      `Spec reference <>`_
    * `[Implemented] New Plugins Type - Hook <>`_
    .. warning:: Database schema is changed, you must run
         `rally-manage db upgrade <>`_
         to be able to use old Rally installation with latest release.
    * [require migration] fix for wrong format of "verification_log" of tasks
    * [require migration] remove admin_domain_name from OpenStack deployments
    Rally Deployment
    * Remove admin_domain_name from openstack deployment
      Reason: admin_domain_name parameter is absent in Keystone Credentials.
    Rally Task
    * [Trends][Reports] Use timestamps on X axis in trends report
    * [Reports] Add new OutputTextArea chart plugin
      New chart plugin can show arbitrary textual data on
      "Scenario Stata -> Per iteration" tab.
      This finally allows to show non-numeric data like IP addresses, notes and
      even long comments.
      Plugin `Dummy.dummy_output <>`_
      is also updated to provide demonstration.
    * [cli] Add version info to *rally task start* output
    * [api] Allow to delete stopped tasks without force=True
      It is reasonable to protect deletion of running tasks (statuses INIT,
      VERIFYING, RUNNING, ABORTING and so on...) but it is strange to protect
      deletion for stopped tasks (statuses FAILED and ABORTED). Also this is
      annoying in CLI usage.
    * Added hooks and triggers.
      Hook is a new entity which can be launched on specific events. Trigger is
      another new entity which processes events and launches hooks.
      For example, hook can launch specific destructive action - just execute cli
      command(we have sys_call hook for this task) and it can be launched by
      simple trigger on specific iteration(s) or time (there is event trigger).
    Rally Verify
    Scenario tests in Tempest require an image file. Logic of obtaining this image
    is changed:
    * If CONF.tempest.img_name_regex is set, Rally tries to find an image matching
      to the regex in Glance and download it for the tests.
    * If CONF.tempest.img_name_regex is not set (or Rally didn't find the image
      matching to CONF.tempest.img_name_regex), Rally downloads the image by the
      link specified in CONF.tempest.img_url.
    * *Removed*: `Dummy.dummy_with_scenario_output <>`_
      It was deprecated in 0.5.0
      .. warning:: This plugin is not available anymore in 0.7.0
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `MagnumClusterTemplates.list_cluster_templates <>`_
     - `MagnumClusters.list_clusters <>`_
     - `MagnumClusters.create_and_list_clusters <>`_
     - `NovaAggregates.create_aggregate_add_and_remove_host <>`_
     - `NovaAggregates.create_and_list_aggregates <>`_
     - `NovaAggregates.create_and_delete_aggregate <>`_
     - `NovaAggregates.create_and_update_aggregate <>`_
     - `NovaFlavors.create_and_get_flavor <>`_
     - `NovaFlavors.create_flavor_and_set_keys <>`_
     - `NovaHypervisors.list_and_get_hypervisors <>`_
     - `NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate_floating_ip <>`_
     - `KeystoneBasic.authenticate_user_and_validate_token <>`_
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `Manila manila_security_services <>`_
     - `Magnum cluster_templates <>`_
     - `Magnum clusters <>`_
    Port all openstack clients to use keystone session.
    Bug fixes
    * [tasks] rally task detailed incorrect / inconsistent output
      `Launchpad bug-report #1562713 <>`_
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.6.0
    Rally v0.6.0
    | Release date     |     **9/05/2016**     |
    * Added Python 3.5 support
    * Sync requirements with OpenStack global-requirements
    * Start using latest way of authentication - keystoneauth library
    * Start porting all scenario plugins to class-based view.
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * `[Implemented] SLA Performance degradation plugin <>`_
    * `[Proposed] New Tasks Configuration section - hook <>`_
    * disable db downgrade api
    * [require migration] upgrade deployment config
    Docker image
    * Add sudo rights to rally user
      Rally is a pluggable framework. External plugins can require installation of
      additional python or system packages, so we decided to add sudo rights.
    * Move from ubuntu:14.04 base image to ubuntu:16.04 .
      Ubuntu 16.04 is current/latest LTS release. Let's use it.
    * pre-install vim
      Since there are a lot of users who like to experiment and modify samples
      inside container, rally team decided to pre-install vim
    * configure/pre-install bash-completion
      Rally provides bash-completion script, but it doesn't work without installed
      `bash-completion` package and now it is included in our image.
    Rally Deployment
    * Add strict jsonschema validation for ExistingCloud deployments. All incorrect
      and unexpected properties will not be ignored anymore. If you need to store
      some extra parameters, you can use new "extra" property.
    * Fix an issue with endpoint_type.
      Previously, endpoint type was not transmitted to keystone client. In this
      case, keystoneclient used default endpoint type (for different API calls it
      can differ). Behaviour after the fix:
       - None endpoint type -> Rally will initialize all clients without setting
         endpoint type. It means that clients will choose what default values for
         endpoint type use by itself. Most of clients have "public" as default
         values. Keystone use "admin" or "internal" by default.
       - Not none endpoint type -> Rally will initialize all clients with this
         endpoint. Be careful, by default most of keystone v2 api calls do not work
         with public endpoint type.
    Rally Task
    * [core] Iterations numbers in logging and reports must be synchronized. Now
      they start from 1 .
    * [config] users_context.keystone_default_role is a new config option
      (Defaults to "member") for setting default user role for new users in case
      of Keystone V3.
    * [Reports] Embed Rally version into HTML reports
      This adds Rally version via meta tag into HTML reports:
        <meta name="generator" content="Rally version {{ version }}">
    * [Reports] Expand menu if there is only one menu group
    * [logging] Remove deprecated rally.common.log module
    * [Trends][Reports] Add success rate chart to trends report
    * [Reports] Hide menu list if there is no data at all
    Rally Verify
    * Updating Tempest config file
     - Some tests (for boto, horizon, etc.) were removed from Tempest and now there
       is no need to keep the corresponding  options in Tempest config file.
     - Some options in Tempest were moved from one section to another and we should
       to do the corresponding changes in Rally to be up to date with the latest
       Tempest version.
    * Adding '--skip-list' arg to `rally verify start` cmd
      `CLI argument for --skip-list <>`_
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `Command for plugin listing <>`_
     - `Command to uninstall plugins <>`_
    * Rename and deprecated several arguments for `rally verify start` cmd:
     - tests-file  -> load-list
     - xfails-file -> xfail-list
    * Extend Sahara scenarios with autoconfig param
      Affected plugins:
     - `SaharaClusters.create_and_delete_cluster <>`_
     - `SaharaClusters.create_scale_delete_cluster <>`_
     - `SaharaNodeGroupTemplates.create_and_list_node_group_templates <>`_
     - `SaharaNodeGroupTemplates.create_delete_node_group_templates <>`_
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `MonascaMetrics.list_metrics <>`_
     - `SenlinClusters.create_and_delete_cluster <>`_
     - `Watcher.create_audit_template_and_delete <>`_
     - `Watcher.create_audit_and_delete <>`_
     - `Watcher.list_audit_templates <>`_
    * Rename **murano.create_service** to **murano.create_services** atomic action
    *NEW!!*: `performance degradation plugin <>`_
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `Monasca monasca_metrics <>`_
     - `Senlin profiles <>`_
     - `Watcher audit_templates <>`_
    * Extend `manila_share_networks <>`_
      context with share-network autocreation support.
    * Extend `volumes <>`_
      context to allow volume_type to be None to allow using default value
    Bug fixes
    * [existing users]  Quota context does not restore original settings on exit
      `Launchpad bug-report #1595578 <>`_
    * [keystone v3] Rally task's test user role setting failed
      `Launchpad bug-report #1595081 <>`_
    * [existing users] context cannot fetch 'tenant' and 'user' details from cloud
      `Launchpad bug-report #1602157 <>`_
    * UnboundLocalError: local variable 'cmd' referenced before assignment
      `Launchpad bug-report #1587941 <>`_
    * [Reports] Fix trends report generation if there are n/a results
    * Add page about task reports
      `RTD page for reports <>`_
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.5.0
    Rally v0.5.0
    | Commits          |        **175**        |
    | Bug fixes        |        **19**         |
    | Dev cycle        |      **93 days**      |
    | Release date     |     **7/20/2016**     |
    This release took much more time than we expected, but we have a lot of
    reasons for such delay and if you look at our change-log, you will understand
    Here is a quick introduction:
    * To make our releases as much as possible stable, we added upper limits for
      each of our requirements;
    * A lot of deprecated lines of code were removed, so be careful;
    * Statistics trends for given tasks were introduced;
    * Support for tempest plugins was added;
    * Several new pages at docs.
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * `[Introduced && implemented] Introduce class-based scenario implementation <>`_
    * `[Introduced] Rally Task Validation refactoring <>`_
    * `[Introduced] Scaling & Refactoring Rally DB <>`_
    * `[Introduced] SLA Performance degradation plugin <>`_
    * disable urllib3 warnings only if the library provide them
    [doesn't require migration]
    Transform DB layer to return dicts, not SQLAlchemy models
    Rally Deployment
    * Support single-AZ deployment
      This supports the case where OpenStack is deployed with a single AZ for both
      controller(s) and compute(s), and not all hosts in the AZ that contains an
      instance are guaranteed to have the nova-compute service.
    * Extend creation from environment with several new vars
    * Improve devstack plugin for Keystone V3
    Rally Task
    *NEW!!* Statistics trends for given tasks.
    Rally Verify
    * Remove '--tempest-config' arg from 'reinstall' command
      .. warning:: Using `--tempest-config` is became an error from this release.
          Use `rally verify genconfig` cmd for all config related stuff.
    * Don't install Tempest when `rally verify start`
      .. warning:: Use should use `rally verify install` cmd to install tempest now
    * Add ability to setup version of Tempest to install
      `CLI argument to setup version <>`_
    * Configure 'aodh' service in 'service_available' section
    * Check existence of Tempest-tree in `rally verify discover` cmd
    * Make Tempest work with auth url which doesn't include keystone version
      Tempest needs /v2.0 and /v3 at the end of URLs. Actually, we can't fix
      Tempest, so we extend our configuration module with workaround which allow
      to specify auth_url without version in rally deployment config.
    * Use default list of plugins for sahara
    * Move tempest related options of rally configuration to separate section.
    * *NEW!!* Support for tempest plugins.
      `CLI argument to install them <>`_
    In this release we are happy to introduce new entity - plugins Base classes
    We have a lot of base plugin entities: Context, Scenario, SLA and etc.
    Sometimes plugins of different bases can have equal names(i.e ceilometer
    OSClient and ceilometer Context). It is normal and we should allow such
    conflicts. To support such cases we introduced new entity - plugin base.
    Statements of plugin bases:
     - Each plugin base is unique entity;
     - Names of plugin bases can't conflict with each other;
     - Names of two or more plugins in one plugin base can't conflict with each
       other(in case of same namespace).
     - Names of two or more plugins in different plugin base can conflict
    Current list of plugin bases:
     - rally.task.context.Context
     - rally.task.scenario.Scenario
     - rally.task.types.ResourceType
     - rally.task.exporter.TaskExporter
     - rally.task.processing.charts.Chart
     - rally.task.runner.ScenarioRunner
     - rally.task.sla.SLA
     - rally.deployment.serverprovider.provider.ProviderFactory
     - rally.deployment.engine.Engine
     - rally.osclients.OSClient
    * *NEW!!* Support for Senlin client
    * *NEW!!* Support for Gnocchi client
    * *NEW!!* Support for Magnum client
    * *NEW!!* Support for Watcher client
    * Transmit endpoint_type to saharaclient
    * *NEW!!*:
     - `Authenticate.validate_ceilometer <>`_
     - `CinderVolumes.create_volume_from_snapshot <>`_
     - `CinderVolumes.create_volume_and_clone <>`_
     - `NovaFlavors.create_and_list_flavor_access <>`_
     - `NovaFlavors.create_flavor <>`_
     - `NovaServers.boot_and_update_server <>`_
     - `NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_snapshot <>`_
    * [Sahara] Add configs to MapR plugin
    * Extend CinderVolumes.create_and_upload_volume_to_image with "image" argument
      `Plugin Reference <>`_
    * Deprecate Dummy.dummy_with_scenario_output scenario in favor of Dummy.dummy_output
      .. warning:: Dummy.dummy_with_scenario_output scenario will be removed after
          several releases
      `Deprecated Plugin Reference <>`_
      `New Plugin Reference <>`_
    * Extend CinderVolumes.create_volume_and_clone with nested_level
      Add nested_level argument for nested cloning volume to new volume
      `Plugin Reference <>`_
    * Extend CinderVolumes.create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume
      Two new arguments were added: create_volume_kwargs and create_snapshot_kwargs
      .. warning:: All arguments related to snapshot creation should be transmitted
            only via create_snapshot_kwargs.
      `Plugin Reference <>`_
    * Introduce new style of scenarios - class based.
      `Spec Reference <>`_
    * Improve report for VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete
    * [Sahara] Added 5.5.0 version for cdh-plugin and 1.6.0 version for spark
    * Extend boot_server_from_volume_and_delete, boot_server_from_volume,
      boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate, boot_server_from_volume_snapshot
      scenarios of NovaServers class with "volume_type" parameter.
    * *NEW!!*:
      - `Cinder volume_types <>`_
      - `Murano environments <>`_
      - `Heat dataplane <>`_
    * Use Broker Pattern in Keystone roles context
    * Use immutable types for locking context configuration
      Since context configuration passed to Context.__init__() was a mutable type
      (dict or list), sometimes we had unexpected changes done by unpredictable
      code (for example, in wrappers).
    * Add possibility to balance usage of users
      For the moment all users for tasks were taken randomly and there was no way
      to balance them between tasks. It may be very useful when we have difference
      between first usage of tenant/user and all consecutive. In this case we get
      different load results.
      Therefore, "users" context was extended with new config option
      'user_choice_method' that defines approach for picking up users.
      Two values are available:
      - random
      - round_robin
      Default one is compatible with old approach - "random".
    * Make sahara_image and custom_image contexts glance v2 compatible
    * Extend servers context with "nics" parameter
    * Extend network context with "dns_nameservers" parameter
    * Extend volume context with "volume_type" parameter
    * Mark several cleanup resources as tenant_resource
      Nova servers and security groups are tenant related resources, but resource
      decorator missed that fact which makes cleanup tries to delete one resources
      several times.
    * Turn off redundant nova servers cleanup for NovaFlavors.list_flavors scenario
    * Add neutron cleanup for NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups
    Rename task-exporter "file-exporter" to "file".
    .. warning:: "file-exporter" is deprecated and will be removed in further
    Remove deprecated types.
    .. warning:: you should use rally.task.types.convert instead of
        rally.task.types.set decorator
    * Add a required_api_version validator
    * Add validators for scenario arguments
    Use glance wrapper where appropriate to support compatibility between V1 and V2
    Bug fixes
    **19 bugs were fixed**:
    * Wrong arguments order of Keystone wrapper in case of V2 and V3
    * AttributeError while disabling urllib3 warnings on old installations
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * script is failed while obtaining setuptools
    * "-inf" load duration in case of wrong runner plugin and failed start of
    * Strange input task in the report
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Wrong behaviour of boot_server_from_volume scenarios in case of booting
      server from image.
      The arg of image must be None, when booting server from volume. Otherwise
      still boot server from image.
      Affected scenarios:
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Weak validation of json schema of RPS runner
      JSON Schema of RPS runner doesn't have "required" field. It means that
      users are able to pass wrong configs and we will have runtime error while
      running task.
    * Rally doesn't take cacert setting while creating keystone session
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Heat scenarios fail when API uses TLS
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Example in comment of context manila_share_networks wrong
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * There is no way to get UUID of a verification after it is created by
      "rally verify start" or "rally verify import_results" when --no-use is set
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Exposed ssh timeout and interval in vm scenario
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Ceilometer scenario doesn't require "ceilometer" ctx
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * "servers" context requires setting network id for multiple possible networks
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * nested_level data type incorrect in create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Rally cleanup servers raises exception
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Stopping server is redundant before cold-migrating server
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * existing_users context doesn't work in case of Keystone v3
    * Whether validates flavor's disk or not depends on booting type of the instance
      `Launchpad bug-report <>`_
    * Re-use openstack theme for building docs outside rtd.
      `Rally Docs at <>`_
    * Add page for Verification component
      `RTD page <>`_
    * Add glossary page
      `RTD page <>`_
    * Adjust docs reference to "KeystoneBasic.authenticate" scenario
      `RTD page <>`_
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.4.0
    rally 0.4.0 release
    meta:version: 0.4.0
    meta:series: independent
    meta:release-type: release
    meta:pypi: yes
    meta:first: no
  • 0.3.3
    b8d76c16 · Release notes for 0.3.3 ·
    Rally v0.3.3
    | Commits          |        **20**         |
    | Dev cycle        |       **10 days**     |
    | Release date     |     **3/24/2016**     |
    A half of patches relate to Cleanup. We have once again proved that ideal
    stuff can be improved. :)
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * `[Spec][Introduced] Improve atomic actions format`__
    * **Cleanups**:
     * Use proper attribute to get heat stack name
     * Always assign a name to created images.
       This is necessary for name-based cleanup. If a name is not specified, one
       will be generated automatically.
     * Improve filtering glance images in case of V2 API
     * Delete only images created by images context
       Since the images context allows creating images with arbitrary names,
       name-based cleanup won't work for it, so we have to delete the exact list
       of images that it created instead.
     * New config option to set cleanup threads
       Allow the user to change the number of cleanup threads via the rally
       config. When scaling out to thousands of instances, the cleanup can take
       forever with the static 20 threads.
     * Add inexact matching to name_matches_object
       This will support places where we create resources with names that start
       with a given name pattern, but include some additional identifier
       afterwards. For instance, when bulk creating instances, Nova appends a UUID
       to each instance name.
    * **Scenarios**:
     * Add sample of template for testing for testing heat caching.
     * Introduced new scenario `Dummy.dummy_random_action`__. It is suitable for
       demonstration of upcoming trends report.
    * **Contexts**:
     `api_versions`__ context was extended to support switch between Keystone V2
     and V3 API versions. Now it is possible to use one Rally deployment to check
     both Keystone APIs.
    * **Newcomer in the family**:
     All ResourceType classes are pluggable now and it is much easier to use and
     extend them.
     .. warning:: Decorator ``rally.task.types.set`` is deprecated now in favor of
    Bug fixes
    * #1536172: rally deployment destroy failed with traceback for failed
      deployments. At current moment it is impossible to delete deployment if for
      some reason deployment engine plugin cannot be found, because exception will
      be thrown.
    * Remove extra link in `All release notes`
      Previously, two links for latest release were presented.
    * Update release notes for 0.3.2
      * Fixed indents for warning messages
      * Fixed all references
     To Everybody!
  • 0.3.2
    17f71d20 · Release notes for 0.3.2 ·
    Rally v0.3.2
    | Commits          |         **55**        |
    | Dev cycle        |       **25 days**     |
    | Release date     |     **3/14/2016**     |
    This release, as well as all previous ones, includes a lot of internal and
    external changes. Most important of them are listed below.
    CLI changes
    * .. warning:: [Modified] Option '--tempest-config' for 'rally verify
      reinstall' command was deprecated for removal.
    * .. warning:: [Removed] Option `--system-wide-install` was removed from
      `rally verify` commands in favor of `--system-wide` option.
    * .. warning:: [Modified] Step of installation of Tempest during execution of
      the `rally verify start` command was deprecated and will be removed in the
      future. Please use `rally verify install` instead.
    * Rework commands.task.TaskCommands.detailed. Now output of the command
      contains the same results as in HTML report.
    Rally Verify
    * Re-run failed Tempest tests
      Add the ability to re-run the tempest tests that failed in the last test
      execution. Sometimes Tempest tests fail due to a special temporary condition
      in the environment, in such cases it is very useful to be able to re-execute
      those tests.
      Running the following command will re-run all the test that failed during
      the last test execution regardless of what test suite was run.
      .. code-block:: bash
          rally verify start --failing
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * [Spec][Introduced] Refactoring scenario utils
    * [Spec] Deployment unification
    * **Scenarios**:
     * [updated] Fix flavor for cloudera manager
       Cloudera manager need master-node flavor
     * [added] Expand Nova API benchmark in Rally
       Add support for listing nova hosts, agents, availability-zones
       and aggregates.
     * [updated] Make sure VolumeGenerator uses the api version info while cleanup
     * Designate V2 - Add recordset scenarios
       Add create_and_(list|delete)_recordset scenarios
       Remove the test also that checks the allowed methods, this is in order for
       us to be able to have a private method _walk_pages that will do fetching of
       pages for us vs attempting to fetch 1 giant list at once.
     * unify *_kwargs name in scenarios
       When running a scenario, `kwargs` is used as default key-word arguments.
       But in some scenarios, there are more and one services being called, and
       we use xxx_kwargs for this case.
       However, some xxx_kwargs are not unifed for same usage[0]. Unifying
       these could avoid midleading for end users. Another improvement is to
       add xxx_kwargs with empty settings for scenario config files.
     * .. warning:: Deprecated arguments 'script' and 'interpreter' were removed
         in favor of 'command' argument.
       VM task scenarios executes a script with a interpreter provided through a
       formatted argument called 'command' which expects the remote_path or
       local_path of the script and optionally an interpreter with which the
       script has to be executed.
    * Avoid using `len(x)` to check if x is empty
      This cases are using `len()` to check if collection has items. As
      collections have a boolean representation too, directly check for true /
      false. And fix the wrong mock in its unit test.
    * Fix to get it to work on MacOSX
      On MacOSX, `mktemp` requires being passed a template. This change modifies
      the calls to `mktemp` to explicitly pass a template so that the code works
      on both MacOSX and linux.
    * Use new-style Python classes
      There are some classes in the code that didn't inherited from
      nothing and this is an old-style classes. A "New Class" is the
      recommended way to create a class in modern Python.A "New Class"
      should always inherit from `object` or another new-style class.
      Hacking rule added as well.
    * Make Rally cope with unversioned keystone URL
      With the change, the client version that's returned is now determined by
      the keystoneclient library itself based on whether you supply a URL with a
      version in it or not.
    * Fix rally-mos job to work with mos-8.0
      Also remove hardcoded values for some other jobs.
    * Add name() to ResourceManager
      This will allow us to perform cleanup based on the name.
    * Add task_id argument to name_matches_object
      This will be used to ensure that we are only deleting resources for a
      particular Rally task.
    * Extend api.Task.get_detailed
      Extend api.Task.get_detailed with ability to return task data as dict with
      extended results.
    Bug fixes
    **The most critical fixed bugs are**:
    * #1547624: Wrong configuration for baremetal(ironic) tempest tests
    * #1536800: openrc values are not quoted
      The openrc file created after rally deployment --fromenv did not quote the
      values for environment variables that will be exported.
    * #1509027: Heat delete_stack never exits if status is DELETE_FAILED
    * #1540545: Refactored atomic action in authenticate scenario
    * #1469897: Incompatible with Keystone v3 argument in service create scenario
    * #1550262: Different results in ``rally task detailed``, ``rally task report``
     and ``rally task status`` commands.
    * #1553024: Backward incompatible change in neutronclient(release 4.1.0) broke
      Tempest config generation to support latest neutronclient.
    * Add documentation for DB migration
        * Add descriptive docstrings for plugins based on OutputChart
        * Register these plugins in doc/ext/
          so plugin/plugin_reference.htmlwill have a documentation
          chapter based on added docstrings
    * Documentation tox fix
      Added information about debugging unit test with tox. Replace 3 references
      to py26 with py34 to reflect current rally tox configuration.
    * Change structure of rally plugin and plugin references page
    * Update the scenario development, runner and context sections
    * The design of 'Rally Plugins Reference' page was improved (see
      with new design)
    * New page was added - CLI references
     To Everybody!
  • 0.3.1
    1b6e9e92 · Release notes for 0.3.1 ·
    Rally v0.3.1
    | Commits          |         **9**         |
    | Bug fixes        |         **6**         |
    | Dev cycle        |       **2 days**      |
    | Release date     |     **2/18/2016**     |
    This release is more about bug-fixes than features.
    .. warning:: Please, update 0.3.0 to latest one.
    *  Pass api_versions info to glance images context
    * [Verify] Don't create new flavor when flavor already exists
    Bug fixes
    **6 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * #1545889: Existing deployment with given endpoint doesn't work anymore
    * #1547092: Insecure doesn't work with Rally 0.3.0
    * #1547083: Rally Cleanup failed with api_versions context in 0.3.0 release
    * #1544839: Job gate-rally-dsvm-zaqar-zaqar fails since the recent Rally patch
    * #1544522: Non-existing "called_once_with" method of Mock library is used
  • 0.3.0
    Rally v0.3.0
    | Commits          |        **69**         |
    | Bug fixes        |        **7**          |
    | Dev cycle        |       **29 days**     |
    | Release date     |     **2/16/2016**     |
    This release, as well as all previous ones, includes a lot of internal and
    external changes. Most important of them are listed below.
    .. warning:: In this release Rally DB schema migration is introduced. While
        upgrading Rally from previous versions it is required now to run
        ``rally-manade db upgrade``. Please see 'Documentation' section for details.
    CLI changes
    * [Removed] ``rally info`` in favor of ``rally plugin *``.
      It was deprecated for a long time.
    * [Modified] ``rally deployment check`` now prints services, which don't have
      names, since such services can be used via api_versions context.
    * [Modified] ``rally verify [re]install``  option --no-tempest-venv for was
      deprecated in favor of --system-wide
    * [Added] ``rally-manage db revision`` displays current revision of
      Rally database schema
    * [Added] ``rally-manage db upgrade`` upgrades pre-existing Rally
      database schema to the latest revision
    * [Added] ``rally-manage db downgrade`` to downgrades existing Rally
      database schema to previous revision
    * [Added] ``rally task export`` exports task results to external
      services (only CLI command introduced, no real service support
      implemented yet, however one could write own plugins)
    * [Added] ``rally verify export`` exports verification results to
      external services (only CLI command introduced, no real service support
      implemented yet, however one could write own plugins)
    Rally Deployment
    * ``fuel`` deployment engine is removed since it was outdated and lacked
      both usage and support
    Rally Task
    Add custom labels for "Scenario Output" charts
    * X-axis label can be specified to add_output() by
      "axis_label" key of chart options dict.
      The key is named "axis_label" but not "x_label"
      because chart can be displayed as table, so we explicitly
      mention "axis" in option name to make this parameter
      useless for tables
    * Y-axis label can be specified to add_output() by
      "label" key of chart options dict
      In some cases this parameter can be used for rendering
      tables - it becomes column name in case if chart with
      single iteration is transformed into table
    * As mentiones above, if we have output chart
      with single iteration, then it is transformed to table,
      because chart with single value is useless
    * OutputLinesChart is added, it is displayed by
      NVD3 lineChart()
    * Chart "description" is optional now. Description is
      not shown if it is not specified explicitly
    * Scenario Dummy.add_output is improved to display labels
      and OutputLinesChart
    * Fix: If Y-values are too long and overlaps chart box,
      then JavaScript updates chart width in runtime to fit
      width of chart graphs + Y values to their DOM container
    Rally Certification
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * [Spec][Introduced] Export task and verification results to external services
    * [Spec][Implemented]  Consistent resource names
    * [Feature request][Implemented]  Tempest concurrency
    * **Scenarios**:
     - [added] VMTasks.workload_heat
     - [added] NovaFlavors.list_flavors
     - [updated] Flavors for Master and Worker node groups are now
       configured separately for SaharaCluster.* scenarios
    * **Context**:
     - [improved] sahara_cluster
       Flavors for Master and Worker node groups are now
       configured separately in ``sahara_cluster`` context
    * Cinder version 2 is used by default
    * Keystone API v3 compatibility improved
      - Auth URL in both formats http://foo.rally:5000/v3
        and http://foo.rally:5000 is supported for Keystone API v3
      - Tempest configuration file is created properly according
        to Keystone API version used
    * `` --branch`` now accepts all git tree-ish,
      not just branches or tags
    * VM console logs are now printed when Rally fails to connect to VM
    * Add support for Rally database schema migration (see 'Documentation' section)
    Bug fixes
    **7 bugs were fixed**:
    * #1540563: Rally is incompatible with liberty Neutron client
      The root cause is that in Neutron Liberty client,
      the _fx function doesn't take any explicit keyword parameter
      but Rally is passing one (tenant_id).
    * #1543414: The `rally verify start` command fails when running
      a verification against Kilo OpenStack
    * #1538341: Error in logic to retrieve image details in image_valid_on_flavor
    * Add documentation for DB migration
     2 Everybody!
  • 0.2.0
    Rally v0.0.2
    | Commits          |     **100**     |
    | Bug fixes        |     **18**      |
    | Dev cycle        |   **45 days**   |
    | Release date     | **12/Mar/2015** |
    This release contains new features, new benchmark plugins, bug fixes,
    various code and API improvements.
    New Features
    * rally task start **--abort-on-sla-failure**
        Stopping load before things go wrong.
        Load generation will be interrupted if SLA criteria stop passing.
    * Rally verify command supports multiple Tempest sources now.
    * python34 support
    * postgres DB backend support
    API changes
    * [new] **rally [deployment | verify | task] use** subcommand
        It should be used instead of root command **rally use**
    * [new] Rally as a Lib API
        To avoid code duplication between Rally as CLI tool and Rally as a Service
        we decide to make Rally as a Lib as a common part between these 2 modes.
        Rally as a Service will be a daemon that just maps HTTP request to Rally
        as a Lib API.
    * [deprecated] **rally use** CLI command
    * [deprecated] Old Rally as a Lib API
        Old Rally API was quite mixed up so we decide to deprecate it
    * **Benchmark Scenario Runners**:
        [improved] Improved algorithm of generation load in **constant runner**
            Before we used processes to generate load, now it creates pool of
            processes (amount of processes is equal to CPU count) after that in
            each process use threads to generate load. So now you can easily
            generate load of 1k concurrent scenarios.
        [improved] Unify code of **constant** and **rps** runners
        [interface] Added **abort()** to runner's plugin interface
            New method **abort()** is used to immediately interrupt execution.
    * **Benchmark Scenarios**:
        [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_server
        [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_list_servers
        [new] DesignateBasic.list_servers
        [new] MistralWorkbooks.list_workbooks
        [new] MistralWorkbooks.create_workbook
        [new] Quotas.neutron_update
        [new] HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack
        [new] HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources
        [new] HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stac
        [new] HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack
        [new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers
        [new] NovaKeypair.create_and_delete_keypair
        [new] NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs
        [new] NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair
        [new] NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate
        [new] NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate
        [new] CinderVolumes.create_and_upload_volume_to_image
        [fix] CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume
            Pass optional \*\*kwargs only to create server command
        [fix]  GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances
            Pass optional \*\*kwargs only to create server command
        [fix] TempestScenario.\* removed stress cleanup.
            Major issue is that tempest stress cleanup cleans whole OpenStack.
            This is very dangerous, so it's better to remove it and leave some
            extra resources.
        [improved] NovaSecGroup.boot_and_delete_server_with_secgroups
            Add optional \*\*kwargs that are passed to boot server comment
    * **Benchmark Context**:
        [new] **stacks**
            Generates passed amount of heat stacks for all tenants.
        [new] **custom_image**
            Prepares images for benchmarks in VMs.
            To Support generating workloads in VMs by existing tools like: IPerf,
            Blogbench, HPCC and others we have to have prepared images, with
            already installed and configured tools.
            Rally team decide to generate such images on fly from passed to avoid
            requirements of having big repository with a lot of images.
            This context is abstract context that allows to automate next steps:
            1) runs VM with passed image (with floating ip and other stuff)
            2) execute abstract method that has access to VM
            3) snapshot this image
            In future we are going to use this as a base for making context that
            prepares images.
        [improved] **allow_ssh**
            Automatically disable it if security group are disabled in neutron.
        [improved] **keypair**
            Key pairs are stored in "users" space it means that accessing keypair
            from scenario is simpler now:
        [fix] **users**
            Pass proper EndpointType for newly created users
        [fix] **sahara_edp**
            The Job Binaries data should be treated as a binary content
    * **Benchmark SLA**:
        [interface] SLA calculations is done in additive way now
            Resolves scale issues, because now we don't need to have whole
            array of iterations in memory to process SLA.
            This is required to implement **--abort-on-sla-failure** feature
        [all] SLA plugins were rewritten to implement new interface
    Bug fixes
    **18 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * Fix **rally task detailed --iterations-data**
      It didn't work in case of missing atomic actions. Such situation can occur
      if scenario method raises exceptions
    * Add user-friendly message if the task cannot be deleted
      In case of trying to delete task that is not in "finished" status users get
      traces instead of user-friendly message try to run it with --force key.
    * Network context cleanups networks properly now
    * Image sizes are fixed
    * New tutorial in "Step by Step" relate to **--abort-on-sla-failure**
    * Various fixes
  • 0.1.2
    Rally v0.1.2
    | Commits          |        **208**        |
    | Bug fixes        |        **37**         |
    | Dev cycle        |      **77 days**      |
    | Release date     |  **23/December/2015** |
    This release, as well as all previous ones, includes a lot of internal and
    external changes. Most important of them are listed below.
    .. warning:: Release 0.1.2 is the last release with Python 2.6 support.
    * Class `rally.common.objects.Endpoint` was renamed to `Credentials`. Old
      class is kept for backward compatibility. Please, stop using the old class
      in your plugins.
      .. warning:: dict key was changed too in user context from "endpoint" to "credential"
    * rally.task.utils: wait_is_ready(), wait_for(), wait_for_delete() deprecated
      you should use wait_for_status() instead.
    Rally Verify
    * Added possibility to run Tempest tests listed in a file(--tests-file argument in ``verify start``)
    * Added possibility to upload Tempest subunit stream logs into data base
    * Improvements in generating Tempest config file
    * Reworked subunit stream parser
    * Don't install Tempest when `rally verify [gen/show]config`
    * Rally team tries to simplify usage of each our component.
      Now Rally verification has some kind of a context like in Tasks.
      Before launching each verification, Rally checks existence of required
      resources(networks, images, flavours, etc) in Tempest configuration file and
      pre-creates them. Do not worry, all these resources will not be forgotten
      and left, Rally will clean them after verification.
    Rally Task
    * Add --html-static argument to ``rally task report`` which allows to
      generate HTML reports that doesn't require Internet.
    * Rally supports different API versions now via api_versions context:
    .. code:: none
            size: 1
            type: "constant"
            times: 2
            concurrency: 2
              tenants: 2
              users_per_tenant: 2
                version: 2
                service_name: cinderv2
    * Move rally.osclients.Clients to plugin base
      Rally OSclients is plugable now and it is very easy to extend OSClients for
      your cloud out of Rally tree.
    * Add 'merge' functionality to SLA
      All SLA plugins  should implement merge() method now.
      In future this will be used for distributed load generation.
      Where SLA results from different runners will be merged together.
    * New optional_action_timer decorator
      Allows to make the methods that can be both atomic_action or regular
      method. Method changes behavior based on value in extra key "atomic_action"
    Rally Certification
    * Fix Glance certification arguments
    * Add Neutron Quotas only if Neutron service is available
    Specs & Feature Requests
    * Spec consistent-resource-names:
      Resource name is based on Task id now. It is a huge step to persistence
      and disaster cleanups.
    * Add a spec for distributed load generation:
    * Improvements for scenario output format
    * Task and Verify results export command
    * **Scenarios**:
     * [new] NovaServers.boot_and_get_console_output
     * [new] NovaServers.boot_and_show_server
     * [new] NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_resize
     * [new] NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_resize
     * [new] NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups
     * [new] NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_groups
     * [new] NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_update_security_groups
     * [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_healthmonitors
     * [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_healthmonitors
     * [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_healthmonitors
     * [new] SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers
     * [new] SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers
     * [new] FuelNodes.add_and_remove_node
     * [new] CeilometerMeters.list_matched_meters
     * [new] CeilometerResource.list_matched_resources
     * [new] CeilometerSamples.list_matched_samples
     * [new] CeilometerStats.get_stats
     * [new] Authenticate.validate_monasca
     * [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_zone
     * [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_list_zones
     * [new] DesignateBasic.list_recordsets
     * [new] DesignateBasic.list_zones
     * [fix] CinderVolumes.create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume
        Remove random nested level which produce different amount of atomic
        actions and bad reports.
     * Support for Designate V2 api
     * A lot of improvements in Sahara scenarios
    * **Context**:
     * [new] api_versions
       Context allows us to setup client to communicate to specific service.
     * [new] swift_objects
       Context pre creates swift objects for future usage in scenarios
     * [update] sahara_cluster
       It supports proxy server which allows to use single floating IP for
       whole cluster.
     * [fix] cleanup
       Fix cleanup of networks remove vip before port.
    Bug fixes
    **37 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * Follow symlinks in plugin discovery
    * Use sed without -i option for portability (
    * Fixed race in
    * Fixed incorrect iteration number on "Failures" Tab
    * Fixing issue with create_isolated_networks = False
    * Fix docker build command
    Fixed some minor typos and inaccuracies.
    We would like to thank Andreas Jaeger for ability to provide Python 2.6 support in this release.
  • 0.1.1
    3011fa6e · Release notes v0.1.1 ·
    Rally v0.1.1
    | Commits          |         **32**        |
    | Bug fixes        |         **9**         |
    | Dev cycle        |       **11 days**     |
    | Release date     |  **6/October/2015**   |
    This release contains new features, new 6 plugins, 9 bug fixes,
    various code and API improvements.
    New Features
    * **Rally verify generates proper tempest.conf file now**
      Improved script that generates tempest.conf, now it works out of box for
      most of the clouds and most of Tempest tests will pass without hacking it.
    * **Import Tempest results to Rally DB**
      ``rally verify import`` command allows you to import already existing Tempest
      results and work with them as regular "rally verify start" results:
      generate HTML/CSV reports & compare different runs.
    API Changes
    **Rally CLI changes**
      * [add] ``rally verify import`` imports raw Tempest results to Rally
    Specs & Feature requests
      There is no new specs and feature requests.
    * **Scenarios**:
      [new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_floating_ips
      [new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_floating_ips
      [new] MuranoPackages.import_and_list_packages
      [new] MuranoPackages.import_and_delete_package
      [new] MuranoPackages.import_and_filter_applications
      [new] MuranoPackages.package_lifecycle
      [improved] NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair
        New argument ``server_kwargs``, these kwargs are used to boot server.
      [fix] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_vips
          Now it works in case of concurrency > 1
    * **Contexts**:
      [improved] network
          Network context accepts two new arguments:
          ``subnets_per_network`` and ``network_create_args``.
      [fix] network
          Fix cleanup if nova-network is used. Networks should be dissociate from
          project before deletion
      [fix] custom_image
          Nova server that is used to create custom image was not deleted if
          script that prepares server failed.
    Bug fixes
    **9 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * Fix script
      Set 777 access to /var/lib/rally/database file if system-wide method of
      installation is used.
    * Rally HTML reports Overview table had few mistakes
        * Success rate was always 100%
        * Percentiles were wrongly calculated
    * Missing Ironic, Murano and Workload(vm) options in default config file
    * ``rally verify start`` failed while getting network_id
    * ``rally verify genconfig`` hangs forever if Horizon is not available
    * **Fix project maintainers page**
      Update the information about Rally maintainers
    * **Document rally --plugin-paths CLI argument**
    * **Code blocks in documentation looks prettier now**
  • 0.1.0
    Rally v0.1.0
    | Commits          |        **355**        |
    | Bug fixes        |         **90**        |
    | Dev cycle        |      **132 days**     |
    | Release date     | **25/September/2015** |
    This release contains new features, new 42 plugins, 90 bug fixes,
    various code and API improvements.
    New Features & API changes
    * **Improved installation script**
      * Add parameters:
        * ``--develop`` parameter to install rally in editable (develop) mode
        * ``--no-color`` to switch off output colorizing
          useful for automated output parsing and terminals that don't
          support colors.
      * Puts rally.conf under virtualenv etc/rally/ so you can have several
        rally installations in virtualenv
      * Many fixes related to access of different file, like: rally.conf,
        rally db file in case of sqlite
      * Update pip before Rally installation
      * Fix reinstallation
    * **Separated Rally plugins & framework**
      Now plugins are here:
      Plugins are as well separated common/* for common plugins
      that can be use no matter what is tested and OpenStack related
    * **New Rally Task framework**
      * All plugins has the same Plugin base:
        rally.common.plugin.pluing.Plugin They have the same mechanisms for:
        discovering, providing information based on docstrings, and in future
        they will use the same deprecation/rename mechanism.
      * Some of files are moved:
        * rally/benchmark ->  rally/task
          *This was done to unify naming of rally task command and
          actually code that implements it.*
        * rally/benchmark/sla/        -> rally/task/
        * rally/benchmark/context/    -> rally/task/
        * rally/benchmark/scenarios/  -> rally/task/
        * rally/benchmark/runners/    -> rally/task/
        * rally/benchmark/scenarios/ -> rally/task/
        This was done to:
        * avoid doing rally.benchamrk.scenarios import base as scenario_base
        * remove one level of nesting
        * simplify framework structure
      * Some of classes and methods were renamed
        * Plugin configuration:
          * context.context() -> context.configure()
          * scenario.scenario() -> scenario.configure()
          * Introduced runner.configure()
          * Introduced sla.configure()
          This resolves 3 problems:
          * Unifies configuration of different types of plugins
          * Simplifies plugin interface
          * Looks nice with new modules path:
              >>> from rally.task import scenario
              >>> @scenario.configure()
      * Atomic Actions were changed:
        * New rally.task.atomic module
          This  allow us in future to reuse atomic actions in Context plugins
        * Renames:
           -> rally.task.atomic.ActionTimer
           -> rally.task.atomic.action_timer()
      * **Context plugins decide how to map their data for scenario**
        Now Context.map_for_scenario method can be override to decide
        how to pass context object to each iteration of scenario.
      * Samples of NEW vs OLD context, sla, scenario and runner plugins:
        * Context
        .. code-block:: python
            # Old
            from rally.benchmark.context import base
            @base.context(name="users", order=100)
            class YourContext(base.Context):
                def setup(self):
                    # ...
                def cleanup(self):
                    # ...
            # New
            from rally.task import context
            @context.configure(name="users", order=100)
            class YourContext(context.Context):
                def setup(self):
                    # ...
                def cleanup(self):
                    # ...
                def map_for_scenario(self):
                    # Maps context object to the scenario context object
                    # like context["users"] -> context["user"] and so on.
        * Scenario
        .. code-block:: python
            # Old Scenario
            from rally.benchmark.scenarios import base
            from rally.benchmark import validation
            class ScenarioPlugin(base.Scenario):
                def some(self):
                def _do_some_action(self):
                    # ...
            # New Scenario
            from rally.task import atomic
            from rally.task import scenario
            from rally.task import validation
            # OpenStack scenario has different base now:
            # rally.plugins.openstack.scenario.OpenStackScenario
            class ScenarioPlugin(scenario.Scenario):
                def some(self):
                def _do_some_action(self):
                    # ...
        * Runner
        .. code-block:: python
            ## Old
            from rally.benchmark.runners import base
            class SomeRunner(base.ScenarioRunner):
                 __execution_type__ = "some_runner"
                def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args)
                  # Load generation
                def abort(self):
                  # Method that aborts load generation
            ## New
            from rally.task import runner
            class SomeRunner(runner.ScenarioRunner):
                def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args)
                    # Load generation
                def abort(self):
                    # Method that aborts load generation
        * SLA
        .. code-block:: python
            # Old
            from rally.benchmark import sla
            class FailureRate(sla.SLA):
                # ...
            # New
            from rally.task import sla
            class FailureRate(sla.SLA):
                # ...
    * **Rally Task aborted command**
      Finally you can gracefully shutdown running task by calling:
      .. code:: bash
        rally task abort <task_uuid>
    * **Rally CLI changes**
      * [add] ``rally --plugin-paths`` specify the list of directories with plugins
      * [add] ``rally task report --junit`` - generate a JUnit report
        This allows users to feed reports to tools such as Jenkins.
      * [add] ``rally task abort`` - aborts running Rally task
        when run with the ``--soft`` key, the ``rally task abort`` command is
        waiting until the currently running subtask is finished, otherwise the
        command interrupts subtask immediately after current scenario iterations
        are finished.
      * [add] ``rally plugin show`` prints detailed information about plugin
      * [add] ``rally plugin list`` prints table with rally plugin names and titles
      * [add] ``rally verify genconfig`` generates tempest.conf without running it.
      * [add] ``rally verify install`` install tempest for specified deployment
      * [add] ``rally verify reinstall`` removes tempest for specified deployment
      * [add] ``rally verify uninstall`` uninstall tempest of specified deployment
      * [fix] ``rally verify start --no-use`` --no-use was always turned on
      * [remove] ``rally use`` now each command has subcommand ``use``
      * [remove] ``rally info``
      * [remove] ``rally-manage tempest`` now it is covered by ``rally verify``
    * **New Rally task reports**
      * New code is based on OOP style which is base step to make plugable Reports
      * Reports are now generated for only one iteration over the resulting data
        which resolves scalability issues when we are working with large
        amount of iterations.
      * New Load profiler plot that shows amount of iterations that are working
        in parallel
      * Failed iterations are shown as a red areas on stacked are graphic.
    Non backward compatible changes
    * [remove] ``rally use`` cli command
    * [remove] ``rally info`` cli command
    * [remove] ``--uuid`` parameter from  ``rally deployment <any>``
    * [remove ``--deploy-id`` parameter from:
      ``rally task <any>``, ``rally verify <any>``, ``rally show <any>``
    Specs & Feature requests
      [feature request] Explicitly specify existing users for scenarios
      [feature request] Improve install script and add --unistall and --version
      [feature request] Allows specific repos & packages in
      [feature request] Add abbility to caputre logs from tested services
      [feature request] Check RPC queue perfdata
      [spec] Refactoring Rally cleanup
      [spec] Consistent resource names
    * **Scenarios**:
      [new] CinderVolumes.create_volume_backup
      [new] CinderVolumes.create_and_restore_volume_backup
      [new] KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role
      [new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role
      [new] KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles
      [new] FuelEnvironments.list_environments
      [new] CinderVolumes.modify_volume_metadata
      [new] NovaServers.boot_and_delete_multiple_servers
      [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_pool
      [new] ManilaShares.list_shares
      [new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_get_event
      [new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_event_types
      [new] CeilometerEvents.create_user_and_list_events
      [new] CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_trait_descriptions
      [new] CeilometerTraits.create_user_and_list_traits
      [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_pools
      [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_pools
      [new] ManilaShares.create_and_delete_share
      [new] ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_delete
      [new] ManilaShares.create_share_network_and_list
      [new] HeatStacks.create_and_delete_stack
      [new] ManilaShares.list_share_servers
      [new] HeatStacks.create_snapshot_restore_delete_stack
      [new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_ec2credential
      [new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_ec2credentials
      [new] HeatStacks.create_stack_and_scale
      [new] ManilaShares.create_security_service_and_delete
      [new] KeystoneBasic.create_user_set_enabled_and_delete
      [new] ManilaShares.attach_security_service_to_share_network
      [new] IronicNodes.create_and_delete_node
      [new] IronicNodes.create_and_list_node
      [new] CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume_backups
      [new] NovaNetworks.create_and_list_networks
      [new] NovaNetworks.create_and_delete_network
      [new] EC2Servers.list_servers
      [new] VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete_custom_imagea
      [new] CinderVolumes.create_and_update_volume
    * **Contexts**:
      [new] ManilaQuotas
            Add context for setting up Manila quotas:
            shares, gigabytes, snapshots, snapshot_gigabytes, share_networks
      [new] ManilaShareNetworks
            Context for share networks that will be used in case of usage
            deployment with existing users. Provided share networks via context
            option "share_networks" will be balanced between all share creations
            of scenarios.
      [new] Lbaas
            Context to create LBaaS-v1 resources
      [new] ImageCommandCustomizerContext
            Allows image customization using side effects of a command execution.
            E.g. one can install an application to the image and use these image
            for 'boot_runcommand_delete' scenario afterwards.
      [new] EC2ServerGenerator
            Context that creates servers using EC2 api
      [new] ExistingNetwork
            This context lets you use existing networks that have already been
            created instead of creating new networks with Rally. This is useful
            when, for instance, you are using Neutron with a dumb router that is
            not capable of creating new networks on the fly.
    * **SLA**:
      [remove] max_failure_rate - use failure_rate instead
    Bug fixes
    **90 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * Many fixes related that fixes access of rally.conf and DB files
    * Incorrect apt-get "-yes" parameter in script
    * Rally bash completion doesn't exist in a virtualenv
    * Rally show networks CLI command worked only with nova networks
    * RPS runner was not properly generating load
    * Check is dhcp_agent_scheduler support or not in network cleanup
    * NetworkContext doesn't work with Nova V2.1
    * Rally task input file was not able to use jinja2 include directive
    * Rally in docker image was not able to
    * Rally docker image didn't contain samples
    * Do not update the average duration when iteration failed
    * **Add plugin reference page**
      :ref:`Rally Plugins Reference page <plugin_reference>` page contains a
      full list with
    * **Add maintainers section on project info page**
      :ref:`Rally Maintainers section <project_info>` contains information
      about core contributors of OpenStack Rally their responsibilities and
      contacts. This will help us to make our community more transparent and open
      for newbies.
    * **Added who is using section in docs**
    * **Many small fixes**
  • 0.0.4
    95713192 · Merge "Release 0.0.4" ·
    Rally v0.0.4
    | Commits          |     **87**      |
    | Bug fixes        |     **21**      |
    | Dev cycle        |   **30 days**   |
    | Release date     | **14/May/2015** |
    This release contains new features, new benchmark plugins, bug fixes, various code and API improvements.
    New Features & API changes
    * Rally now can generate load with users that already exist
      Now one can use Rally for benchmarking OpenStack clouds that are using LDAP, AD or any other read-only keystone backend where it is not possible to create any users. To do this, one should set up the "users" section of the deployment configuration of the ExistingCloud type. This feature also makes it safer to run Rally against production clouds: when run from an isolated group of users, Rally won’t affect rest of the cloud users if something goes wrong.
    * New decorator *@osclients.Clients.register* can add new OpenStack clients at runtime
      It is now possible to add a new OpenStack client dynamically at runtime. The added client will be available from osclients.Clients at the module level and cached. Example:
    .. code-block:: none
       >>> from rally import osclients
       >>> @osclients.Clients.register("supernova")
       ... def another_nova_client(self):
       ...   from novaclient import client as nova
       ...   return nova.Client("2", auth_token=self.keystone().auth_token,
       ...                      **self._get_auth_info(password_key="key"))
       >>> clients = osclients.Clients.create_from_env()
       >>> clients.supernova().services.list()[:2]
       [<Service: nova-conductor>, <Service: nova-cert>]
    * Assert methods now available for scenarios and contexts
      There is now a new *FunctionalMixin* class that implements basic unittest assert methods. The *base.Context* and *base.Scenario* classes inherit from this mixin, so now it is possible to use *base.assertX()* methods in scenarios and contexts.
    * Improved installation script
      The installation script has been almost completely rewritten. After this change, it can be run from an unprivileged user, supports different database types, allows to specify a custom python binary, always asks confirmation before doing potentially dangerous actions, automatically install needed software if run as root, and also automatically cleans up the virtualenv and/or the downloaded repository if interrupted.
    Specs & Feature requests
    * [Spec] Reorder plugins
      The spec describes how to split Rally framework and plugins codebase to make it simpler for newbies to understand how Rally code is organized and how it works.
    * [Feature request] Specify what benchmarks to execute in task
      This feature request proposes to add the ability to specify benchmark(s) to be executed when the user runs the *rally task start* command. A possible solution would be to add a special flag to the *rally task start* command.
    * **Benchmark Scenario Runners**:
        * Add limits for maximum Core usage to constant and rps runners
          The new 'max_cpu_usage' parameter can be used to avoid possible 100% usage of all available CPU cores by reducing the number of CPU cores available for processes started by the corresponding runner.
    * **Benchmark Scenarios**:
        * [new] KeystoneBasic.create_update_and_delete_tenant
        * [new] KeystoneBasic.create_user_update_password
        * [new] NovaServers.shelve_and_unshelve_server
        * [new] NovaServers.boot_and_associate_floating_ip
        * [new] NovaServers.boot_lock_unlock_and_delete
        * [new] NovaHypervisors.list_hypervisors
        * [new] CeilometerSamples.list_samples
        * [new] CeilometerResource.get_resources_on_tenant
        * [new] SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_delete_all
        * [new] SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_download_object
        * [new] SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_list_objects
        * [new] MuranoEnvironments.create_and_deploy_environment
        * [new] HttpRequests.check_random_request
        * [new] HttpRequests.check_request
        * [improved] NovaServers live migrate benchmarks
            add 'min_sleep' and 'max_sleep' parameters to simulate a pause between VM booting and running live migration
        * [improved] NovaServers.boot_and_live_migrate_server
            add a usage sample to samples/tasks
        * [improved] CinderVolumes benchmarks
            support size range to be passed to the 'size' argument as a dictionary
            *{"min": <minimum_size>, "max": <maximum_size>}*
    * **Benchmark Contexts**:
        * [new] MuranoPackage
          This new context can upload a package to Murano from some specified path.
        * [new] CeilometerSampleGenerator
          Context that can be used for creating samples and collecting resources for benchmarks in a list.
    * **Benchmark SLA**:
        * [new] outliers
          This new SLA checks that the number of outliers (calculated from the mean and standard deviation of the iteration durations) does not exceed some maximum value. The SLA is highly configurable: the parameters used for outliers threshold calculation can be set by the user.
    Bug fixes
    **21 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * Make it possible to use relative imports for plugins that are outside of rally package.
    * Fix heat stacks cleanup by deleting them only 1 time per tenant (get rid of "stack not found" errors in logs).
    * Fix the wrong behaviour of 'rally task detailed --iterations-data' (it lacked the iteration info before).
    * Fix security groups cleanup: a security group called "default", created automatically by Neutron, did not get deleted for each tenant.
    Other changes
    * Streaming algorithms that scale
      This release introduces the common/ module. This module is going to contain implementations of benchmark data processing algorithms that scale: these algorithms do not store exhaustive information about every single benchmark iteration duration processed. For now, the module contains implementations of algorithms for computation of mean & standard deviation.
    * Coverage job to check that new patches come with unit tests
      Rally now has a coverage job that checks that every patch submitted for review does not decrease the number of lines covered by unit tests (at least too much). This job allows to mark most patches with no unit tests with '-1'.
    * Splitting the plugins code (Runners & SLA) into common/openstack plugins
      According to the spec "Reorder plugins" (see above), the plugins code for runners and SLA has been moved to the *plugins/common/* directory. Only base classes now remain in the *benchmark/* directory.
    * Various fixes
        * Remove obsolete *.rst* files (*deploy_engines.rst* / *server_providers.rst* / ...)
        * Restructure the docs files to make them easier to natigate through
        * Move the chapter on task templates to the 4th step in the tutorial
        * Update the information about meetings (new release meeting & time changes)
  • 0.0.3
    6d0fc0d5 · Merge "Release 0.0.3" ·
    Rally v0.0.3
    | Commits          |     **53**      |
    | Bug fixes        |     **14**      |
    | Dev cycle        |   **33 days**   |
    | Release date     | **14/Apr/2015** |
    This release contains new features, new benchmark plugins, bug fixes,
    various code and API improvements.
    New Features & API changes
        * Add the ability to specify versions for clients in benchmark scenarios
          You can call self.clients("glance", "2") and get any client for
          specific version.
        * Add API for tempest uninstall
          $ rally-manage tempest uninstall
          # removes fully tempest for active deployment
        * Add a --uuids-only option to rally task list
            $ rally task list --uuids-only   # returns list with only task uuids
        * Adds endpoint to --fromenv deployment creation
            $ rally deployment create --fromenv
            # recognizes standard OS_ENDPOINT environment variable
        * Configure SSL per deployment
            Now SSL information is deployment specific not Rally specific and
            rally.conf option is deprecated
            Like in this sample
        * [spec] Proposal for new task input file format
          This spec describes new task input format that will allow us to generate
          multi scenario load which is crucial for HA and more real life testing:

    * **Benchmark Scenario Runners**:
        * Add a maximum concurrency option to rps runner
          To avoid running to heavy load you can set 'concurrency' to configuration
          and in case if cloud is not able to process all requests it won't start
          more parallel requests then 'concurrency' value.
    * **Benchmark Scenarios**:
        [new] CeilometerAlarms.create_alarm_and_get_history
        [new] KeystoneBasic.get_entities
        [new] EC2Servers.boot_server
        [new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_service
        [new] MuranoEnvironments.list_environments
        [new] MuranoEnvironments.create_and_delete_environment
        [new] NovaServers.suspend_and_resume_server
        [new] NovaServers.pause_and_unpause_server
        [new] NovaServers.boot_and_rebuild_server
        [new] KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_services
        [new] HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_events
        [improved] VMTask.boot_runcommand_delete
            restore ability to use fixed IP and floating IP to connect to VM
            via ssh
        [fix] NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate
            Kwargs in nova scenario were wrongly passed
    * **Benchmark SLA**:
        * [new] aborted_on_sla
        This is internal SLA criteria, that is added if task was aborted
        * [new] something_went_wrong
        This is internal SLA criteria, that is added if something went wrong,
        context failed to create or runner raised some exceptions
    Bug fixes
    **14 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
        * Set default task uuid to running task. Before it was set only after
          task was fully finished.
        * The "rally task results" command showed a disorienting "task not found"
          message for a task that is currently running.
        * Rally didn't know how to reconnect to OpenStack in case if token
    * New tutorial **task templates**
    * Various fixes
  • 0.0.2
    df2475d2 · Release 0.0.2 ·
    Rally v0.0.2
    | Commits          |     **100**     |
    | Bug fixes        |     **18**      |
    | Dev cycle        |   **45 days**   |
    | Release date     | **12/Mar/2015** |
    This release contains new features, new benchmark plugins, bug fixes,
    various code and API improvements.
    New Features
    * rally task start **--abort-on-sla-failure**
        Stopping load before things go wrong.
        Load generation will be interrupted if SLA criteria stop passing.
    * Rally verify command supports multiple Tempest sources now.
    * python34 support
    * postgres DB backend support
    API changes
    * [new] **rally [deployment | verify | task] use** subcommand
        It should be used instead of root command **rally use**
    * [new] Rally as a Lib API
        To avoid code duplication between Rally as CLI tool and Rally as a Service
        we decide to make Rally as a Lib as a common part between these 2 modes.
        Rally as a Service will be a daemon that just maps HTTP request to Rally
        as a Lib API.
    * [deprecated] **rally use** CLI command
    * [deprecated] Old Rally as a Lib API
        Old Rally API was quite mixed up so we decide to deprecate it
    * **Benchmark Scenario Runners**:
        [improved] Improved algorithm of generation load in **constant runner**
            Before we used processes to generate load, now it creates pool of
            processes (amount of processes is equal to CPU count) after that in
            each process use threads to generate load. So now you can easily
            generate load of 1k concurrent scenarios.
        [improved] Unify code of **constant** and **rps** runners
        [interface] Added **abort()** to runner's plugin interface
            New method **abort()** is used to immediately interrupt execution.
    * **Benchmark Scenarios**:
        [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_server
        [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_list_servers
        [new] DesignateBasic.list_servers
        [new] MistralWorkbooks.list_workbooks
        [new] MistralWorkbooks.create_workbook
        [new] Quotas.neutron_update
        [new] HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack
        [new] HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources
        [new] HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stac
        [new] HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack
        [new] NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers
        [new] NovaKeypair.create_and_delete_keypair
        [new] NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs
        [new] NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair
        [new] NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate
        [new] NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate
        [new] CinderVolumes.create_and_upload_volume_to_image
        [fix] CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume
            Pass optional **kwargs only to create server command
        [fix]  GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances
            Pass optional **kwargs only to create server command
        [fix] TempestScenario.* removed stress cleanup.
            Major issue is that tempest stress cleanup cleans whole OpenStack.
            This is very dangerous, so it's better to remove it and leave some
            extra resources.
        [improved] NovaSecGroup.boot_and_delete_server_with_secgroups
            Add optional **kwargs that are passed to boot server comment
    * **Benchmark Context**:
        [new] **stacks**
            Generates passed amount of heat stacks for all tenants.
        [new] **custom_image**
            Prepares images for benchmarks in VMs.
            To Support generating workloads in VMs by existing tools like: IPerf,
            Blogbench, HPCC and others we have to have prepared images, with
            already installed and configured tools.
            Rally team decide to generate such images on fly from passed to avoid
            requirements of having big repository with a lot of images.
            This context is abstract context that allows to automate next steps:
            1) runs VM with passed image (with floating ip and other stuff)
            2) execute abstract method that has access to VM
            3) snapshot this image
            In future we are going to use this as a base for making context that
            prepares images.
        [improved] **allow_ssh**
            Automatically disable it if security group are disabled in neutron.
        [improved] **keypair**
            Key pairs are stored in "users" space it means that accessing keypair
            from scenario is simpler now:
        [fix] **users**
            Pass proper EndpointType for newly created users
        [fix] **sahara_edp**
            The Job Binaries data should be treated as a binary content
    * **Benchmark SLA**:
        [interface] SLA calculations is done in additive way now
            Resolves scale issues, because now we don't need to have whole
            array of iterations in memory to process SLA.
            This is required to implement **--abort-on-sla-failure** feature
        [all] SLA plugins were rewritten to implement new interface
    Bug fixes
    **18 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**:
    * Fix **rally task detailed --iterations-data**
      It didn't work in case of missing atomic actions. Such situation can occur
      if scenario method raises exceptions
    * Add user-friendly message if the task cannot be deleted
      In case of trying to delete task that is not in "finished" status users get
      traces instead of user-friendly message try to run it with --force key.
    * Network context cleanups networks properly now
    * Image sizes are fixed
    * New tutorial in "Step by Step" relate to **--abort-on-sla-failure**
    * Various fixes
  • 0.0.1
    This is the first Rally release 0.0.1
    Rally is awesome tool for testing verifying and benchmarking
    OpenStack clouds.
    A lot of people started using Rally in their CI/CD
    so we should make Rally more stable with clear strategy
    of deprecation and upgrades.
    More details about Rally: